Pope Benedict II

Pope Benedict II
Portrait of Pope Benedict II taken from The Lives and Times of the Popes by Artaud de Montor. Public Domain

Pope Benedict II was known for:

His extensive knowledge of Scripture. Benedict was also known to have a fine singing voice.



Places of Residence and Influence:


Important Dates:

Confirmed as Pope: June 26, 684
Died: , 685

About Pope Benedict II:

Benedict was Roman, and at an early age he was sent to the schola cantorum, where he became extremely knowledgeable in Scripture. As a priest he was humble, generous, and good to the poor. He also became known for his singing.

Benedict was elected pope shortly after the death of Leo II in June of 683, but it took more than eleven months for his election to be confirmed by Emperor Constantine Pogonatus. The delay inspired him to get the emperor to sign a decree putting an end to the requirement of an emperor's confirmation. In spite of this decree, future popes would still undergo an imperial confirmation process.

As pope, Benedict worked to suppress Monothelitism. He restored many churches of Rome, helped the clergy and supported the care of the poor.

Benedict died in May of 685. He was succeeded by John V.

More Pope Benedict II Resources:

Popes Benedict
All about the popes and antipopes who have gone by the name of Benedict through the Middle Ages and beyond.

Pope Benedict II in Print

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by Richard P. McBrien

by P. G. Maxwell-Stuart

Pope Benedict II on the Web

Pope St. Benedict II
Concise biography by Horace K. Mann at the Catholic Encyclopedia.
St. Benedict II
Admiring bio at Christ's Faithful People.

The Papacy
Chronological List of Popes

Who's Who Directories:

Chronological Index

Geographical Index

Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society

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Snell, Melissa. "Pope Benedict II." ThoughtCo, Aug. 27, 2020, thoughtco.com/pope-benedict-ii-1788533. Snell, Melissa. (2020, August 27). Pope Benedict II. Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/pope-benedict-ii-1788533 Snell, Melissa. "Pope Benedict II." ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/pope-benedict-ii-1788533 (accessed April 24, 2024).